AIOU MANUAL RESEARCH PROJECT B.Ed Course Code: 8613 (1.5 Year / 2.5 Year)
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1. Course Description
Pre-service teacher education in Pakistan has been criticized for being heavily content-ridden on the cost of ignoring practical aspect. No doubt, theoretical knowledge should be linked with classroom practices to make the teacher education programs more effective. The Higher Education Commission Pakistan suggested some radical changes in the teacher education programs. In wake of the transformation, Allama Iqbal Open University is trying to equip its student-teachers with skills based on practical works under the supervisions of experienced and highly qualified teachers. Research Project is one of such offerings to the students which will provide them some basic skills for being an effective classroom teacher. It is designed to provide them with critical approach, scientific attitude and reflective thinking. In the previous semesters, the students were offered ‘Research Methods in Education’, ‘Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices’ and ‘Teaching Practice-I’. The experiences from these courses will help the students to build their narrative and complete this research project.
We have already learnt that action research is a way of solving local problems by adopting steps of scientific method. It is not uncommon that a teacher faces many problems of different nature during teaching and at workplace. Action research provides more valid and reliable solutions of the problems faced by them at the classroom and institutional levels. So, mastering action research can be an important step in becoming a more effective teacher. Keeping in view the importance of action research in the professional life of the teachers, universities of the developed countries have made action research a part of teacher education programs. For setting higher standards of pre-service teacher education in Pakistan, Allama Iqbal Open University has also made it mandatory for B.Ed students to conduct an action research and write a report. As action research targets learning teaching through researching teaching and based on some practical work, it provides an opportunity to change student
teachers’ beliefs based on practical experiences. It will help the students understand how scientific method is used to solve classroom problems.
One the most important considerations in action research is ‘context’ – that’s why we are not bothered about the generalization of the results. It is conducted in the context of the researcher and the problem relates to the personal context. The critical question of an action research is mostly narrated in personal pronoun i.e. ‘I’ and ‘My’. For example, “How can I improve reading skills at primary level?” or “How can my teaching develop higher order thinking among students at elementary level?” Sticking to one’s own context provides another benefit. It provides an insight into the classroom and the institutional practices as a whole. The other major consideration of Action Research is the ‘reflection’ of the student-teacher. Action research at this level should be something meaningful to a student-teacher – lessons which can be carried with as a professional teacher to make you a wiser, smarter and more effective teacher. Once a student-teacher gets through action research, he/she gets to know and handle a scientific method to solve his/her professional problems rather than always looking for trial and error method.
2. Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course, the student-teacher will be able to:
• Identify an educational problem within the classroom / institution
• Review the literature related to the identified problem
• Develop a scientific plan to solve it
• Execute an intervention to achieve the objectives
• Collect data about the problem with the help of a research instrument
• Analyze the data
• Draw conclusions based on the analysis of the collected data